Learn from Revival | Ignite Your Own

The Journey Begins

“This documentary is to bring hope and a hunger to those who watch it, just as I have encountered in my life. When I was just a young teenager, I watched a video of stories of revival. I had never heard of revival before that, but at that moment, my life was forever changed as a flame of passion to experience revival was ignited inside of me. I have now tasted the effects of revival and it is my mission to give this passion away to any whose hearts will burn for Jesus.”
Anthony Phipps
Host - Student of Revival

Let's Go!

Student of Revival | Vol.1
Revival Chronicles

Here begins our growing comprehensive Revival History Video Library.

"History offers us vicarious experience. It allows the youngest student to possess the ground equally with his elders; without a knowledge of history to give him a context for present events, he is at the mercy of every social misdiagnosis handed to him."
- Hilary Mantel

History of Revival Timeline

Our team has built a comprehensive timeline of revivals. This graphic is  an amazing resource to visually see the moves of God throughout history. We are offering this one-of-kind resource to you for free.


Interviews with prominent church leaders, testimonies of encounters with Jesus, and more uplifting videos available to expand your knowledge of revival and encourage you in your faith journey.